Saturday, April 13, 2019

Explore how Stevenson has presented the character of Mr. Hyde Essay Example for Free

Explore how Stevenson has presented the character of Mr. Hyde Essay gossip on how the author has created a reason of sliminess in this character.Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson is a novella pen in the gothic style, first published in 1886. It is linked to other works written in the same period of time and in the same style, to the highest degree notably Dracula and The Picture of Dorian Gray. During that period, it was believed that people had doppelgangers, or evil twins this is how straight-laceds explained the duality of a person. Duality is a theme greatly explored in the novel not only the duality of an individual but the duality of Victorian cabargont as a whole. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde demonstrated the fact that many high class citizens, who appeared fine and upstanding, hid dark secrets, peculiarly sexual ones exactly care Henry Jekyll. Another theme explored in the novella is that of the importance of theme and class.For example Utterson and E nfield try to avoid gossip and maintain their respectability. Similarly, Utterson tries to preserve Jekylls reputation, even though he senses something is not right. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde has an episodic narrative structure in the fact that it is divided into specific signifi give the sackt events. Mr. Utterson is portrayed as an investigator of sorts, looking for clues and attempting to solve the riddle behind his friends mysterious behavior. Furthermore, the truth is withheld until the end and fin all toldy revealed with the deaths of Lanyon and Jekyll in order to heighten the disbelief in his subscribers.Hydes first introduction to the lecturers is when he tramples over a young person girl. This prejudices the readers intuitive feeling of him because it depicts him committing an act of cruel violence. In addition, the language used to describe Hyde -specifically similes- adds to the already terrible impression the readers have of him. For example, he is depicted as be like a juggernaut and carrying it offlike Satan. This illustrates that he was like an unstoppable force of evil and frightens and alarms the reader. Victorians would be taken aback by this as they were very spectral and believed in Satan. Both the doctor and Mr. Enfield experience the desire to kill him in response to the incident and this would gravel readers as they wouldnt expect such a dramatic reaction from what appear initially to be instead calm, rational people. Many characters are unnerved by Hyde but unable to give an exact description. However, approximately agree that there is something unnatural slightly his appearance not easy to describe, displeasing and downright detestable. Stevenson has been by select vague about Hydes appearance, engaging the readers and allowing them to envision what Hyde looks like individually. As a result, Hyde will look evil to all readers, now and many years from now.In Search for Mr. Hyde Mr. Utterson is distressed at the news that Hyde , a complete stranger, is set to inherit Jekylls fortune in case of his disappearance or unexplained absence. This is a narrative hook Stevenson has used to entice his audience to delve further into the mystery. Additionally, Stevenson has strengthened up hope and a sense of security in Mr. Utterson from the beginning of the novella somehow loveable and eminently humans leading the reader to trust his narrative and respect him. Contrastingly, Stevenson has used language to create a sense of evil in Hyde during Mr. Utterson and Hydes encounter. For instance Mr. Hyde shrank back with a hissing intake of the breath, illustrating that he is primitive and almost animal-like. That is my name. What do you want? is Hydes reaction to Mr. Utterson addressing him, indicating that Hyde is highly anti-social and isnt used to communicating with human beings.After his encounter with Hyde he encourages readers to investigate Hyde there is something more. This creates indistinctness and suspense . Moreover, Stevensons description of Hyde after his encounter with Mr. Utterson emphasizes the sense of evil created previously. Through the repeating of deformed and deformity, he generates a sense of wickedness as during the Victorian era deformity was viewed as something repulsive that should be locked a sort, hidden from the public eye. Furthermore, Uttersons reactions to Hyde support this disgust, loathing and dread. Here, Hyde is compared to Satan again Satans signature upon a face. Victorians would be very shocked by the reference to Satan as to them Satan was the most mightily force of evil on Earth and his signature upon a face would make the person extremely wicked and malevolent.Next, the random act of violence in The Carew Murder Case greatly affects the readers opinion of Hyde. Stevenson has built up the feel of iniquity in Hyde through the maids description of the crime. The verbs and adverbs used are particularly effective. For example, the verbs clubbed and brand ished cook a sense of cruelty in Hyde. Whats more, the aural imagery used allows the reader to visualize the crime, punctuate it and Hydes brutality. The maid describes Hyde as behaving like a madman and having ape-like fury, which suggests Hyde may not have been in affirm of his actions and maybe even suffered from a mental health disorder. However, Victorian readers would not have interpreted that in this way, as there was limited knowledge regarding mental health during that time. Rather, it would have just emphasized Hydes malice.Hydes choice of accommodation reflects his character as he dwells in a dingy street with blackguardly surroundings. The reader is supposed to infer that Hyde is as sinister and repulsive as his environment. Also, this reveals that he is low-class and unsociable, as most high-class respected citizens lived in much more genial environments, without ragged children huddled in the doorways. Additionally, Hydes pad of paper represent the duality of human nature. The juxtaposition of the outside and inside of the house reflects how divided man is. On the inside there is a serious picture hung upon the walls and it is furnished with luxury and good taste and on the outside there is a seedy gin palace and women passing outto have a first light glass, indicating the house was in an area where poor people, drunks and prostitutes lived, an area where Hyde wouldnt stand out or attract attention.Lanyons description of Hyde echoes Hydes previous depictions. Lanyon describes Hyde as seizing, surprising and revolting and that there was an added curiosity as to his originlifeand status, implying that Hyde was repulsive, yet there was something about him which made whoever saw him to want to examine him. This is a tincture about Hydes true identity, as at this point of the narrative, readers still werent expected to know that Hyde is actually Jekylls alter ego. Hydes clothes are another hint they were made of rich and sober fabric but were e normously too large for him. As Jekyll is pissed he could afford luxurious clothes, and of course they would be too big for Hyde as he is well smaller than Jekyll. Lanyon tells of Hyde as having a remarkable combination ofmuscular activity anddebility of constitution, meaning that Hyde was energetic yet appeared lean and in a poor state of health.On one hand, Jekylls description of Hyde is a summary of all the other characters. Jekyll says that evil was written broadly and plainly on Hydes face and that Hyde carried an imprint of deformity and decay. On the other hand, however, Jekyll is attracted to Hyde I was conscious of no repugnance, rather of a leap of welcome, uncover that Jekyll, rather than being repulsed by Hyde and fighting the transformation, is magnetized by him and embraced the transformation. Also, with Hyde, Jekyll feels complete as he no longer has to affair with his dark side but can accept it is a part of him it seemed more express and single. Therefore, the reader is not expected to feel shocked when Jekyll says human beingsare commingled out of good and evil, as Jekyll has just explained that good and evil co-exist in a person and that it is impossible to be whole without both, linking to the theme of duality. All of us are good and evil, but we decide which side to act on.Hydes desires were mostly why Jekyll chose to transform into him. Jekyll doesnt designate what these desires were. What was deemed as socially intolerable and undignified in the Victorian era, might not be viewed that way today. For this reason, Stevenson has not specified what Hyde gets up to or the kind of pleasures he fulfils so that the text is mentally touch to readers, be it Victorians or present day readers. Additionally, Stevenson has withheld the details because they probably would have offended a Victorian audience. Nonetheless, this would be different with a modern audience as a modern audience is receptive to much more than a Victorian one. And, the t ext is more effective without the details as readers are left to guess, which means Hydes secret could be any one of hundreds. Again, Stevenson is being deliberately vague, just as he was with Hydes appearance making Hydes secret all things to all readers.In conclusion, by not revealing many details about Hyde, Stevenson created a truly evil character, as humans inherently fear the unknown. When the (few) details are revealed to the readers they are extremely unpleasant, with Hyde being deformed, ape-like and repulsive. Still, the real horror in the story is not Hyde. Jekyll, at the start of chapter 10, describes himself as being bornendowed besides with excellent partswith every guarantee of an honourable and wondrous future. Stevenson could have been describing every person in this way, as we are all born expected to be excellent, principled humans, with every guarantee of an honourable and distinguished future. Therefore, in at least one way, everyone can relate to Jekyll. So, t he real horror is not Hyde, but rather that every person, good or bad, is a Jekyll and a Hyde.

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